Who we are
Our website address is: https://www.birdingfrance.info
This website is the property of the Federation of French regional parks and is aimed at promoting birdwatching in the French regional parks.
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
The only personal data we collect is when you sign up for the Birding France newsletter.
The data you provide is stored in a MailChimp database and used to send you regular information about birding opportunities in France and the French regional parks.
You may update your personal information or unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time, either by clicking on the link at the bottom of any emails you receive from us, or by sending a request to birdingfrance@gmail.com and explaining clearly what information you wish to modify or unsubscribe.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
What is the GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR is a newly adopted (effective May 25th, 2018) set of regulations meant to give members of the European Union control over their Personally Identifiable Information. Anyone who deals with the Personally Identifiable Information of a resident of the European Union (EU) is bound by these new rules to take sufficient action to ensure that their data is protected and is not shared with any third party without the express permission of the person whose data it is.
What is Personally Identifiable Information?
Personally Identifiable Information (or personal data) is any information alone or in conjunction with other information that can be used to identify a person. This information includes birthdates, addresses, email addresses, financial information, usernames, etc.
The GDPR and You
If a website retains or processes any data that could be construed as personally identifiable of an EU citizen or resident, the GDPR affects you. Rather than a passive opt-out system whereby the person whose personal data you have is defaulted to allow data sharing unless they specifically opt against it, with the new regulation all data is considered opted out with the ability to opt-in should they choose to do so.
As a site owner, we are obliged to provide a data privacy statement to include what data you retain/process, how it is used, and a clear path for your visitors/customers to request for their data to be purged upon request (the right to be forgotten).
Your rights?
Under the GDPR, EU residents have the following rights regarding their personal data.
Right to Access: You have the right to know what data we process, how it is used, and why.
Right to Rectification: You have the right to alter any personal data as you see fit. This includes correction, revision, and deletion of data.
Right to be Forgotten: Upon cancellation of your account, you can request all of your personally identifiable data to be purged.